Family voice, experience, and input needed:
- Meetings are held virtually, so you can attend from your home or office.
- Time commitment is small – starting at one hour per month.
- Give feedback and input on behavioral healthcare services provided by Medicaid. Our monthly Coffee Chat groups improve the system based on your experiences.
- Join one of our workgroups to help professionals understand a family perspective and make a difference as decisions are made for Idahoans.
- Join one of our parent panels as part of training for clinicians and staff on topics such as CANS and residential treatment. Your experiences help staff improve and see things from a family’s viewpoint.
- You are an expert in your story. We can help you tell it in a way that honors your child and impacts those around you.
- Youth voice is needed, too.
- Some opportunities request a monthly commitment and are paid positions. Reach out for a current list of opportunities, dates, and times.
Your voice is valued and can make a difference in policies, procedures, and how our mental health system serves families. For more information contact info@fyidaho.org.
When and Where We Meet:
- Parent Input: On the 3rd Wednesday of the month we hold a parent input event over zoom. We invite parents to tell us about their experience with the YES system of care.
- Training: We offer training to parents on how to be a leader in the YES system of care and how tell your story in a way that honors your child and impacts those around you.
- Family Advocacy Meeting, or FAM, is an opportunity to join parents and advocates to join together to learn about the YES system of care and ways to become involved in system change. FAM meets the 4th Thursday of the month.
- Interagency Governance Team, or IGT, is responsible for collaboratively coordinating and overseeing the implementation of the YES system of care. This team consists of community members, providers, and representatives from the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, the Idaho State Department of Education, and the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections. As a community member, parent input is highly valued. The IGT meets on the second Wednesday of the month.
- YES Workgroups: Parent voice is highly valued by those creating the YES system of care. FYIdaho supports parents who participate in YES implementation workgroups. Parent leader openings vary.
For more information contact bwillson@fyidaho.org or see our event calendar.