
Parent Education

What types of education do we provide parents?

Throughout the year we hold educational events on the YES system of care and parenting youth with mental health challenges. Topics vary according to parents’ expressed needs. Our yearly May conference has included topics on advocacy and learning about the CANS (Child and Adolescent Needs) Assessment. If you have an idea for an event, please let us know!

When are the events?

We try and sprinkle educational opportunities throughout the year. You can count on an annual conference for parents during May. The best places to keep up to date with what we are offering are our monthly newsletter (join at the bottom of the page) or our events calendar. Here are a few places you might learn about prior events:

FYIdaho on YouTubeYouth MOVE Idaho!QPR-Suicide Prevention Training
< 2022 >
November 30
  • 30
    November 30, 2022

    The Boise Brick House: Cinnamon Rolls & Collaging with Youth MOVE Downtown

    2:45 PM-5:30 PM
    November 30, 2022
    Boise Brick House
    704 N 7th Street Boise, Idaho 83702

    Join Youth MOVE Downtown for their cinnamon rolls and collaging activity.

    Youth MOVE Downtown

    3:30 PM-4:30 PM
    November 30, 2022
    Boise Brick House
    704 N 7th Street Boise, Idaho 83702

    Youth MOVE Downtown (YM Downtown) is an in-person group for high schoolers in the Treasure Valley area to practice mental health advocacy and provide peer emotional support to one another. Together we access mental wellness resources, play games to build community, and participate in activities that destigmatize mental health challenges.


    Come to our interest meeting to learn more about the group or fill out our interest form here. Food and drinks will be provided!

    Youth MOVE Social Support

    5:00 PM-6:30 PM
    November 30, 2022
    Boise Brick House
    704 N 7th Street Boise, Idaho 83702

    Youth MOVE Social Support will be peer-led by a trained teen leader with support and supervision from a Families and Youth of Idaho staff member. This wellness group is aimed towards high schoolers who identify as neurodivergent, as well as other teens who would benefit from the group. Teens will have opportunities to practice self advocacy, discuss mental health, and form positive social connections. Group meetings will involve lessons, discussions, and educational activities as well as recreation and games. We intend to form a tight-knit community of friends who can help each other through the transitions of adolescence and young adulthood.

    This group meets at the Boise Brick House which is located at the Idaho Federation of Families office at 704 N 7th Street Boise ID, 83702. Snacks and drinks will be provided and masks must be worn inside unless actively eating or drinking.

    If you are interested in the group, contact Madeline Titelbaum at mtitelbaum@idahofederation.org.

FYIdaho serves parents and caregivers of youth with mental health challenges through direct support and education.

Youth MOVE Idaho (YMI), a chapter of Youth MOVE National serves youth through programs that focus on peer to peer support and advocacy.